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Knock knock knock Do you wanna build a snowman? - Korean Drinking Game(Re-creation version)

REVIEW/Drinking Game

by 외계인노동자 2020. 7. 26. 20:00


Source - Disney

"I like Korean Drinking Game - Anna(30 years old)"

Does anyone think of a snowman on a cold winter day? I can't see snowman where I live now, so I drink in winter. If you get drunk here, you can see your snowman even in the middle of summer.


I would recommend a game that will show you a snowman on a hot day like today.

This game is based on English, so you don't need speak Korean

Do you wanna build a snowman game start now

item: Alcohols, Glasses, Friends

Like Anna of Frozen, we start with the intro.

Start by chating the game's song(optional)

"Do you wanna build a snowman~"

The player who starts the game decides the direction of the game.

Knock X 1 is next player's turn

Knock X 2 is skip one player's turn and then the next player's turn.

Knock X 3 is switches in the opposite direction.

Knock X 4 is no have no options so No.3 player lose.

if you take the wrong action.

The loser drinks!

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